Adding your donation prompts

Adding donation prompts is a great way of helping people understand the potential impact of their donation. They appear on your charity profile and your Donate Box - a social plugin for your website that makes it easy for people to donate and share their donation with their friends.



Some examples of charities with good donations prompts are:

How to add your donation prompts

  1. Log in to your charity account.
  2. Click on the Events & Widgets tab and select Donate box and donation prompts:
  3. Select the currency you would like to be shown on your charity profile page. You can select British pounds, US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, Singapore dollars, Canadian dollars, UAE dirham, Australian dollars or euros.
  4. Add the donation amounts that you want to suggest people give and an explanation of what their money could fund. Click Save changes under each section when you're happy with your donation prompts.

  5. Your one-off donation prompts will now appear on your charity's profile page. 
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