JustGiving logo and brand guidelines

We're happy for you to use the JustGiving logo for your website and print materials. Please follow the guidelines on how to use it, then download it in a range of formats and shapes at the bottom of this article.




  • Logo exclusion zone
    Please leave space around the logo and keep it clear of any other graphics, as shown here.


  • Minimum sizes
    Our logo should always be bigger than 1.25in for print, or 250px height for screen.

  • Making changes
    We like our logo just how it is, so please don’t stretch it, change its colour, change its proportions, or place it over distracting photos or low-contrast backgrounds. Where possible, use our primary purple logo on a white background. If that's not possible, use the white version on simple photos and coloured backgrounds. 

  • JustGiving colours
    Purple does it best for us! The hex code for our primary brand colour is #7A04DD.
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