If you've got a charitable registration number or a Gift Aid number, you can join JustGiving.
So that includes charities, schools, churches, trusts, Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) and Girlguiding units (which includes Rainbows, Brownies and Guides).
- Find out more about how your Girlguiding unit can join JustGiving.
- Find out more about how your church or chapel can join JustGiving.
- If you're a Community Interest Company or a Social Enterprise you may want to look at using our Crowdfunding product.
How can a local branch of a UK charity join JustGiving?
To join JustGiving an organisation needs to be registered with the charity commission OR have a Gift Aid reference number obtained from His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC). When signing up with a Gift Aid reference number, we will require official HMRC documentation confirming the organisation’s number.
Multiple charities are unable to sign up using the same charity number, the alternative solution would be registering under your individual Gift Aid reference number, also know as a HMRC charity reference number.
When you are on the signup page, please enter this HMRC Gift Aid reference number instead of a charity number in the Charity Reg No section.
To learn more about getting a Gift Aid reference number from the HMRC visit http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/charities/tax/recognition.htm.
To join JustGiving click here and scroll down to Membership plans. Once you've chosen the right plan for your charity you'll be directed to our online signup form.
Can UK registered charities join JustGiving without a Gift Aid number?
Yes, but it does make giving online less cost-effective and your charity will miss out on an extra 25% on eligible donations. Head to our FAQ on 'Can I still join if I don't have a Gift Aid number (UK only)' for more information.
If you're in the United States
Any verified 501c3 public charity can join JustGiving. Get started here.
If you're in Australia or New Zealand
As long as you're a registered charity, non-profit, school or sporting association then you'll be able to join JustGiving. Head to our sign up pages to start the registration process.
If you're in Canada
As long as you're a registered charity or non-profit then you'll be able to join JustGiving. Head to our sign up pages to start the registration process.